What. The. Fuck.
I had to laugh.
What. The. Fuck.
I had to laugh.
tin whistle
Try not to repeat things like "I swear to god" or "I don't give a fuck"
yea i try not to...lol.....it just comes out.....lol\
thanks for saying something...peopel are so quick to just vote and not leave a comment......i wanna know i should fix
This is beautiful, polished or not. I would love to hear a finished version of this, it's very relaxing, and makes me think of a lonely guy walking down a dusty western road near sunset, thinking about recent events.
Hey, thanks man!
I actually just re-listened to it myself to see what I thought of it a month later, and actually I don't think it's all that bad. I always get real excited about my ideas right at first, and then I think they're junk, but some of them, upon revisiting, make me realize that I actually really had my stuff together when I was working on the piece.
Also, thanks for the imagery. It's kind of strange, but I almost never picture anything when I hear music, so it's useful to me when people tell me what it makes them feel or see.
Didn't quite nail it.
I think this is very promising, but the drum instruments are a little bland and don't really fit, also I think it started a little slow and got very repetitive.
Well thank you for the compliment and constructive criticism :)
I love how strange and hectic the sound is, and yes, the banjo fits, PERFECTLY. Can someone say minigame music? For like crash bandicoot or something?
ya, that banjo is a great lead in this, very catchy ya know. thanks for the review/vote/score!
I cracked up the whole time. lol the mumbling rapper doesn't care what the beat is doing and vice versa. I am entertained.
I am mumbling rapper
This is good but damn that sound is harsh on my earses (ears).
Hmm really? Ill keep that in mind for the finished product. Thanks!
sounds sort of out of tune and the chimes didn't really fit. Also the beats sound kinda random. keep workin on it
I'll work on it, thanks for the review.
something's gotta be done about the percussion.
its all being done right now. Thats 2 years old, but im remaking this now.
I actually forgot I had it.
Sorry but...
I enjoyed this.
Well, it's ok that you enjoyed it i guess. It's cool to know that when i try to make a song as annoying as possible, some people still like it :p
I like to make music.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 8/29/09